Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

I believe there is always a time and place for everything, even reading a novel. I started reading this book two years back, but for some reason I discontinued it. It was about a month back that I picked it up again. I had to start all over again, but couldn't go past the first page. A couple of books later, I picked The Teachings of Don Juan once again, not knowing that I would be hooked on to it like bees to honey.

And here are my thoughts about this amazing novel.

This point is mentioned in the book by the author himself and also by Walter Goldschmidt in the foreword, but I will reiterate it - most parts of the book will seem unreal and illogical, i.e. if one applies our conventional way of thinking and knowledge. In order to understand and ‘feel’ the book and the teachings of don Juan, one has to let go of our understanding and order of this world and take a step into the world of the sorcerer don Juan. Only then will things make sense, at least a little. And only then will one be able to truly appreciate the teachings of the Guru, put forth by the author as systematically as was possible. To realize the value of this book one has to immerse oneself in the sea of non-ordinary reality initiated by the hallucinogenic substances.  One needs to begin reading with an open mind and learn to acknowledge that there are different worlds surrounding us, and each of these worlds has their own rational and logic. One needs to understand the fact that it is not fair to measure the order and rationality of another world using the units of measurement of our world. Every world has its own unit of measurement. And it is only right to give every world a fair chance, not that it will have any effect on that world if we don’t.

The book contains a series of steps and procedures which are extremely well documented by the author. It is in a way a practical and an experimental book, and thus requires a great deal of patience and passion about the subject to go on turning the pages. The personal experiences of the author feel very real and yet at the same time bizarre. From playing with a dog to flying in the clouds to being a crow, the author's personal experiences are vividly described. One will either believe in him and go on to love the book or one will just laugh off the whole things as fake. There is no middle path.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book and was deeply immersed in the realm of non-ordinary reality. I was actually disappointed when the book ended, as the author could no longer continue his apprenticeship with don Juan. Nevertheless, I can’t wait to begin reading his other novels.


  1. If u wr hooked on to d novel n tend to believe in it means u r truly an awakening soul. It's ur own inner being that's in touch with d inner realms that casts its influence on d outer mind n creates fascination n belief. Read rest of his books as well as others. Maybe sometime later u can come to dealing with "text books" !

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed your review.
