Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Alchemy of Secrets


A while ago, i had the amazing opportunity to review Priya Balasubramanian's first book, The Alchemy of Secrets. From a small, sleepy village to the bustling streets of metropolitan Bangalore, the book captures the lives of three generations of women, whose fate and destinies are intertwined with each other.

I was truly honored to have my review published on Atta Galata's website, Bangalore's go-to place for inspiring and aspiring literary artists.

Here's a teaser for all my dear readers - 

...The author unmistakably creates a visually vibrant scene in front of your eyes. Even the minutest details, which we usually ignore in our mundane activities, are so accurately captured and presented to you in words that you feel you’re not just reading the book, but also living it. It is not easy to describe the frenzy look of a person who’s in a hurry or the simple aroma of coffee, but the author accomplishes this task effortlessly. 

... From Ajji’s Malehalli and her gandhian husband, to Vimala’s Bangalore and her ambitious husband, to Mira’s California and her hyperactive pet, the story beautifully shows how our traditions and customs, our culture and society, metamorphose from one generation to the next. One moment in particular where I realized how much things have changed in our society over the recent decades, is when I found a young girl feeling extremely guilty for having a simple crush on a boy, which is something unimaginable for us today, where teenagers are quite accustomed to having girlfriends and boyfriends. The transformation in society’s views on freedom and values is very visible throughout the book.


You can read the complete review at
